Step 1: Connect the equipment
  1. Connect Router 1 Serial 0/0/0 interface to Router 2 Serial 0/0/0 interface using a serial cable.
  2. Connect Router 1 Fa0/0 interface to Switch 1 Fa0/1 port using a straight-through cable.
  3. Connect each PC with a console cable to perform configurations on the router and switches.
  4. Connect Host 1 to the Switch 1 Fa0/2 port using a straight-through cable.
  5. Connect a crossover cable between Host 2 and the Fa0/0 interface of Router 2.
Step 2: Perform basic configuration on the routers
  1. Connect a PC to the console port of the routers to perform configurations using a terminal emulation program.
  2. Configure Router 1 with a hostname, console, Telnet, and privileged passwords according to the table diagram.
  3. Configure Router 2 with a hostname, console, Telnet, and privileged passwords according to the table diagram.
Step 3: Configure and verify OSPF on the routers
  1. Configure single area OSPF on R1 and R2. All interfaces will belong to Area 0.
  2. Verify the OSPF configuration using the show ip route command on both routers.
Step 4: Configure and verify OSPF authentication
OSPF allows for both plain text authentication and encrypted authentication.
Step 5: Reflection
  1. Why would OSPF authentication be configured in a network? Jawaban: To prevent unauthorized access to routing information or to prevent unauthorized injection of routing information into the network. Routers in an OSPF area will only form adjacencies with other routers that have authentication set.
  2. Can one OSPF area have different OSPF configuration parameters than another area?Jawaban: Yes, configuration is on a per area basis.
  3. Can a single OSPF router have multiple authentication passwords configured? Jawaban: Yes, different areas can be configured differently as well as different interfaces.

Step 1: Connect the equipment
  1. Connect Router 1 Serial 0/0/0 interface to Router 2 Serial 0/0/0 interface using a serial cable.
  2. Connect Router 1 Fa0/0 interface to Switch 1 Fa0/1 port using a straight-through cable.
  3. Connect each PC with a console cable to perform configurations on the router and switches.
  4. Connect Host 1 to the Switch 1 Fa0/2 port using a straight-through cable.
  5. Connect a crossover cable between Host 2 and the Fa0/0 interface of Router 2.
Step 2: Perform basic configuration on Router 1
  1. Connect a PC to the console port of the router to perform configurations using a terminal emulation program.
  2. Configure Router 1 with a hostname, interfaces, console, Telnet, IP addresses, and privileged passwords according to the table and topology diagram. Save the configuration.
Step 3: Perform basic configuration on Router 2
Perform basic configuration on Router 1 as the gateway router with a hostname, interfaces, console, Telnet, and privileged passwords according to the table and topology diagram. Save the configuration.
Step 4: Perform basic configuration on Switch 1
Configure Switch 1 with a hostname, console, Telnet, and privileged passwords according to the table and topology diagram.
Step 5: Configure the hosts with the proper IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway
1. Configure each host with the proper IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
1) Host 1 should be assigned and the default gateway of
2) Host 2 should be assigned and the default gateway of
2. Each workstation should be able to ping the attached router. If the ping was not successful, troubleshoot as necessary. Check and verify that the workstation has been assigned a specific IP
address and default gateway.
Step 6: Verify that the network is functioning
  1. From the attached hosts, ping the FastEthernet interface of the default gateway router.
Was the ping from the first host successful? yes
Was the ping from the second host successful? yes
If the answer is no for either question, troubleshoot the router and host configurations to find the error.
Ping again until they are both successful.
  1. Use the command show ip interface brief and check the status of each interface. What is the state of the interfaces on each router?
FastEthernet 0/0: __________________ up
Serial 0/0/0: ________________________ up
Serial 0/0/1: ________________________ administratively down
FastEthernet 0/0: __________________ up
Serial 0/0/0: ________________________ up
Serial 0/0/1: ________________________ administratively down
  1. Ping from one of the router connected serial interfaces to the other connected serial interface. Was the ping successful? Jawaban: Ya

Step 7: Configure OSPF routing on R1
  1. Configure an OSPF routing process on router R1. Use OSPF process number 1 and ensure that all networks are in Area 0.
Step 8: Configure OSPF routing on R2
  1. Configure an OSPF routing process on router R2. Use OSPF process number 1 and ensure that all networks are in Area 0.
  2. Examine the R2 running configuration. Did the IOS automatically add any lines under therouter ospf 1 command?Jawaban: yes
Step 8: Test network connectivity
Ping Host 2 from Host 1.
Was it successful?Jawaban:  yes
If the answer is no, troubleshoot to find the error. Ping again until successful.
Step 9: Reflection
  1. What is an advantage of using OSPF as the routing protocol in a network? Jawaban: that OSPF is efficient, provides fast convergence, and scales well in large networks.
  2. What is a disadvantage of using OSPF as the routing protocol in a network? Jawaban: that OSPF is more difficult to configure and requires proper planning.

Step 1: Connect the equipment
  1. Connect the Fa0/0 interface of each router to the Fa0/1 interface of each switch using a straightthrough cable.
  2. Connect each host to the Fa0/2 switch port of each switch using a straight-through cable.
  3. Connect serial cables from each router to the other router as shown in the topology.
Step 2: Perform basic configurations on the routers
  1. Connect a PC to the console port of the router to perform configurations using a terminal emulation program.
  2. On all routers, configure the hostname, passwords, and message-of-the-day banner and disable DNS lookups according to the addressing table and topology diagram.
Step 3: Configure the router interfaces
Step 4: Verify IP addressing and interfaces
  1. Use the show ip interface brief or the show protocols command to verify that the IP addressing is correct and that the interfaces are active.
  2. After all interfaces are verified, be sure to save the running configuration to the NVRAM of the router.
Step 5: Configure Ethernet interfaces of PC1, PC2, and PC3
  1. Configure the Ethernet interfaces of PC1, PC2, and PC3 with the IP addresses and default gateways from the addressing table.
  2. Test the PC configuration by pinging the default gateway from each PC.
Step 6: Configure OSPF on Router 1
  1. Configure OSPF on the R1 router. Enter a process ID of 1 for the process-ID parameter. R1(config)#router ospf 1
  2. Configure the network statement for the LAN. When you are in the Router OSPF configuration submode, configure the LAN to be included in the OSPF updates that are sent out of R1. Use an area ID of 0 for the OSPF area-id parameter. Zero will be used for the OSPF area ID in all network statements in this topology.
R1(config-router)#network area 0
  1. Configure the router to advertise the network attached to the Serial 0/0/0 interface.
R1(config-router)#network area 0
  1. Configure the router to advertise the network attached to the Serial 0/0/1 interface. R1(config-router)#network area 0
  2. Return to privileged EXEC mode and save the configuration.
Step 7: Configure OSPF on the R2 router
  1. Enable OSPF routing on the R2 router using the router ospf command. Use a process ID of 1.
R2(config)#router ospf 1
  1. Configure the router to advertise the LAN network in the OSPF updates.
R2(config-router)#network area 0
Step 8: Configure OSPF on the R3 router
Configure OSPF on the R3 router using the router ospf and network commands. Use a process ID of 1. Configure the router to advertise the three directly connected networks. When you are finished, return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 9: Configure OSPF router IDs
  1. The OSPF router ID is used to uniquely identify the router in the OSPF routing domain. A router ID is an IP address. Cisco routers derive the router ID in one of three ways, and with the following precedence:
  2. Examine the current router IDs in the topology.
  3. The router ID can also be seen in the output of the show ip protocolsshow ip ospf, andshow ip ospf interfaces commands.
Step 10: Verify OSPF operation
  1. On the R1 router, use the show ip ospf neighbor command to view the information about the
  2. On the R1 router, use the show ip protocols command to view information about the routing protocol operation.
Step 11: Examine OSPF routes in the routing tables
View the routing table on the R1 router. OSPF routes are denoted in the routing table with an O.
Step 12: Configure OSPF cost
  1. Use the show ip route command on the R1 router to view the OSPF cost to reach the network.
  2. Use the show interfaces serial0/0/0 command on the R1 router to view the bandwidth of the Serial 0/0/0 interface.
Step 13: Reflection
What are some advantages of using OSPF as a routing protocol? Jawaban: supports VLSM and CIDR, uses cost metrics to choose the best path, and each router has a complete picture of the entire network.

Step 1:Examine the routing table entries for the router R1
a.       Examine show ip route output from router R1 shown below
b.      How many networks does router R1 know about? Lima networks
c.       How many networks are directly connected to this router? Tiga networks
d.      How many networks have been learned from another router? Dua network
e.       Using the codes at the beginning of the show ip route output what does the ‘R’ mean? R adalah router
f.       In the routers learned via RIP to which device does the ip address belong? Ya ada
a.       In the routers learned via RIP to which device is serial 0/0 referring and what does it mean? 0/0 adalah interfacenya yaitu menampilkan informasi khusus hardware interface. Perintah ini harus di-set termasuk nomor port/slot dari interface serial.
Step 2: Examine the routing table entries for the router R2
b.      Examine show ip route output from router R2 shown below
c.       How many networks does router R2 know about? Lima networks
d.      How many networks are directly connected to this router? Tiga networks
e.       How many networks have been learned from another router? Dua networks
f.       Using the codes at the beginning of the show ip route output what does the ‘R’ mean? R adalah router
g.      In the routers learned via RIP to which device does the ip address belong? Ya ada
h.      In the routers learned via RIP to which device is serial 0/0 referring and what does it mean? Serial 0/0 adalah interface –nya yaitu menampilkan informasi khusus hardware interface. Perintah ini harus di-set termasuk nomor port/slot dari interface serial.
Step 3: document router interfaces and IP addresses
a.       Based on the shown ip router output from R1 and R2
IP Address
Subnet mask (dotted decimal and/xx)
b.      In this example can the exact IP address of all router interface be determined by looking at the routing tables? Ya bisa
c.       Which router interface IP address can be determined from the routing tables? Interface 0/0 dan 0/1
Step 4: create a network topology diagram
Step 5: reflection
a.       What do you think would happen to the entries in the routing table on R1 if one of the enthernet networks on R2 was disconnected? Maka pemrosesan sinyal untuk data jaringan computer akan terputus atau tidak akan terjadi.
b.      What do you think would happen to the entries in the routing tables on R1 and R2 if the serial interface on R2 was shut down?

Step 1: Build the network and configure the routers
Step 2: Check the routing table entries
a.       View the IP routing table for R1 using the show ip route command:
b.      What is the significance of the “C” to the left of the and network entries in the routing table?  Pada IP menggunakan interface type DCE sedangkan pada IP menggunakan interface type DTE.
Step 3: Configure the routing protocol of the routers
Step 4: Configure the hosts with the proper IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway
a.       Configure the host attached to R1 with an IP address, subnet mask and default gateway that is compatible with the IP address of the Fast Ethernet interface (
b.       Configure the host attached to R2 with an IP address, subnet mask and default gateway that is compatible with the IP address of the Fast Ethernet interface (
c.        Verify that the internetwork is functioning by pinging the Fast Ethernet interface of the other router.
d.       From the host attached to R1, is it possible to ping the R2 router Fast Ethernet interface? Ya mungkin  karena sudah menggunakan gateway yang akan menghubungkan dua buah jaringan yang berbeda.
e.        From the host attached to R2, is it possible to ping the R1 router Fast Ethernet interface? Ya mungkin  karena sudah menggunakan gateway yang akan menghubungkan dua buah jaringan yang berbeda.
f.        If the answer is no for either question, troubleshoot the router configurations to find the error. Then do the pings again until the answer to both questions is yes. Be sure to check physical cabling for problems and bad connections and make sure that you are using the correct cable types.
Step 5: Show the routing tables for each router
a.        In enable or privileged EXEC mode, examine the routing table entries using the show ip route command on router R1.
b.       What are the entries in the R1 routing table? R1 terkoneksi pada jaringan dan
c.        What is the significance of the “R” to the left of the network entry in the routing table? terhubung ke jaringan melalui
d.       What does “via” mean for this network route? Router mempelajari melalui RIP dengan device
e.        What does “Serial0/0” mean for this network route? Serial interfacenya atau port/slot
f.        Examine the routing table entries using the show ip route command on router R1.
g.        What are the entries in the R2 routing table?
Step 6: Use debug to observe RIP communications
a.       On router R1, enter the debug ip rip command from privileged EXEC mode. Examine the exchange of routes between the two routers. The output should look similar to that shown here.
b.       Enter the command undebug all to stop all debugging activity
c.        What interface does router R1 send and receive updates through? R1 mengirim ke alamat dan R1 menerima dari
d.       Why does the route to have metric of 1 and the route to have a metric of 2? Karena pada ruter ke memiliki satu lompatan atau terkoneksi langsung sehingga disebut 1 metric sedangkan memiliki dua lompatan karena tidak terkoneksi secara langsung melainkan melalui router lain.
e.        Log off by typing exit and turn off the router.
Step 7: Reflection
a.       What do you think would happen to the routing table on router R1 if the Ethernet network on router R2 went down? Koneksi antara R1 dan R2 akan terputus
b.      What do you think would happen if router R1 was configured to run RIPv1, and R2 was configured to run RIPv2? Maka router dapat berkomunikasi dengan router lain sehingga dapat menetukan jalan yng terbaik dalam pengiriman paket data  tanpa memperhatikan subnet, konfigurasi ini di butuh kan untuk proses routing untuk menentukan interface mana yang akan mengirim data atau menerima.

Step 1: Connect the equipment
  1. Connect Router1 to Router2 and Router3 using serial cables.
  2. Connect Router2 to Router3 using serial cables.
  3. Connect a PC with a console cable to perform configurations on the routers.
Step 2: Perform basic configurations on the routers
  1. Establish a console session with Router1 and configure hostname, passwords, and interfaces as described in the table. Save the configuration.
  2. Establish a console session with Router2 and perform a similar configuration, using the addresses and other information from the table. Save the configuration.
  3. Establish a console session with Router3. Configure hostname, passwords, and interfaces according to the table. Save the configuration.
Step 3: Configure EIGRP routing with default commands
  1. On Gateway, configure EIGRP as the routing protocol with an autonomous system number of 100, and advertise the appropriate networks.
  2. On Branch1, configure EIGRP as the routing protocol with an autonomous system number of 100, and advertise the appropriate networks:
  3. Perform a similar configuration on Branch2, using EIGRP 100 and advertising the appropriate networks.
Step 4: Verify the routing configuration
  1. View the routing table on Gateway.
  2. Which subnets are not reported in this output? Jawaban: The subnets configured for the and networks are absent.
  3. Why are there two paths reported for the route? Jawaban: Because no bandwidth commands have been configured, EIGRP has two equal-cost paths to report.
Step 5: Remove Automatic summarization
On each of the three routers, remove automatic summarization to force EIGRP to report all subnets. A sample command is given for Gateway.
Step 6: Verify the routing configuration
View the routing table again on Gateway.
Step 7: Configure manual summarization
On Branch2, configure manual summarization to force EIGRP to summarize only the subnets.
Step 8: Reflection
  1. Although removing automatic summarization solved the issue of missing subnets, what possible problem could it cause? Jawaban: The routing table is very long, and that will slow down the lookup process.
  2. How could removing automatic summarization help in troubleshooting an EIGRP network?Jawaban: Checking the output against all possible subnets will reveal which subnet(s) are missing. Those are the connections and configurations that need to be checked.
How did the use of loopback interfaces make this lab easier to complete? Jawaban: Less equipment required, less time to set up and cable equipment.

  • • Switch between the two Windows Calculator modes.
  • • Use Windows Calculator to convert between decimal, binary, and hexadecimal.
  • • Use Windows Calculator to determine the number of hosts in a network with powers of 2.
Background / Preparation
Network technicians work with binary, decimal, hexadecimal numbers with computers and networking devices. In this lab you will use the Windows Calculator application to convert between the binary, decimal, and hexadecimal number systems. You will also use the powers function to determine the number of hosts that can be addressed based on the number of bits available. The following resources are required:
  • • PC with Windows XP installed and functional
Step 1: Access Windows Calculator and determine mode of operation
  1. From the Start button menu, select All Programs > Accessories, and click on Calculator. An alternate method of starting the Calculator application is to access the Start menu, click onRun, type calc and press Enter. Try both methods.
  2. Once the Calculator application opens, select the View menu option.
  3. Which mode [Standard | Scientific] is currently active? Jawab: Mode yang sedang aktif sekarang adalah Scientific
  4. Select the Standard mode. This is a basic mode for simple calculations. How many mathematical functions are available in this mode? Jawab: Fungsi matematika yang ada pada Standart model adalah 7 fungsi matematika
Step 2: Convert between number systems
  1. Access Scientific mode. Notice the number system modes available—Hex (Hexadecimal), Dec (Decimal), Oct (Octal), and Bin (Binary).
  2. Which number system is currently active? Jawab: System bilangan yang sedang aktif pada model Scientific adalah  Decimal.
  3. Which numbers on the number pad are active in Decimal mode? Jawab: Bilangan yang aktif adalah:
  4. Click on the Bin (Binary) mode radio button. Which numbers on the number pad are now active? Jawab:
  5. Why do you think the other numbers are grayed out? Jawab: bilangan yang berwarna buram membuktikan bahwa bilangan tersebut tidak aktif untuk binery. Karena bilangan pada binery hanya 0 dan 1.
  6. Click on the Hex (Hexadecimal) mode radio button.
  7. Which characters on the number pad are now activated? Jawab karakter yang aktif pada bilangan hexadecimal adalah:
  8. Click on the Dec radio button. Using your mouse, click on the number followed by the number on the number pad. The decimal number 15 has now been entered. Click on theBin radio button.
  9. What happened to the number 15 listed in the textbox at the top of the window? Jawab: Ketika decimal aktif saya mengetikan angka 15 kemudian saya tukar dengan Binery maka angka 15 berubah menjadi 1111.
  10. By selecting different modes, numbers are converted from one number system to another. Select Dec mode again. The number in the window converts back to decimal. Select the Hexmode.
  11. Which hexadecimal character (0 through 9 or A through F) represents decimal 15? Jawab: pada Hexadecimal yang mempresentasika 15 adalah F
  12. Clear the number 15 in the window. Select Dec mode again. Not only can the mouse be used to enter numbers, but the numerical keypad on the keyboard as well as numbers on the keyboard can also be used. Using the numerical keypad to the right of the ENTER key, type the number 22. Note that if the number does not enter into the calculator, press the Num Lock key to enable the numeric keypad. While the number 22 is showing in the calculator, use the number keys across the top of the keyboard to add a to the number 22 (220 should now be on the calculator). Select the Bin radio button.
  13. What is the binary equivalent of 220? Jawab: Decimal 220 equivalent dengan 11011100 pada bineryClear the number 220 in the window. From Binary mode, type in the following binary number: 11001100. Select the Dec radio button.
  14. What is the decimal equivalent to the binary number of 11011100? Jawab: Binery 11011100 equivalent dengan 220 Decimal

  1. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary.

  1. Convert the following binary numbers to decimal.
Step 3: Convert host IP addresses
  1. Computer hosts usually have two addresses, an Internet Protocol (IP) address and an Ethernet Media Access Control (MAC) address. For the benefit of humans, the IP address is normally represented as a dotted decimal notation, such as Each of the decimal octets in the address or a mask can be converted to 8 binary bits. Remember that the computer only understands binary bits. If all 4 octets were converted to binary, how many bits would there be?

jika jumlah semua ada 4 oktet maka ada 32 bit yang terbentuk karena 1 oktet terdiri dari 8 bits.

  1. IP addresses are normally shown with four decimal numbers ranging from 0 to 255 and separated by a period. Convert the 4 parts of the IP address to binary.

  1. Notice in the previous problem how the 10 converted to only four digits and the number 2 converted to only two digits. When IP addresses can have any number from 0 to 255 in each position, eight digits are normally used to represent each number. In the previous example, eight digits were needed to convert 192 and 168 to binary, but 10 and 2 did not need as many digits. Normally 0s are added to the left of the digits to have eight digits in binary for each IP address number. The number 10 would be shown as 00001010. Four extra zeros are added to the front of the other four binary digits.
  2. On the calculator in Binary mode, enter the digits 00001010 and select the Dec radio button.
  3. Which decimal number is equivalent to 00001010?

00001010 ekuivalen dengan 10 pada decimal

  1. Did adding “leading” zeros affect the number any?

Tidak karena 0 di depan tidak mempunyai pengaruh di dalam pengkonversian.

  1. What would the number 2 (in the previous example) be if you were to make it eight digits?

karena pada IP address satu octet harus berisikan 8 digit bilangan biner.

Step 4: Convert host IP subnet masks
  1. Subnet masks, such as, are also represented as dotted decimal. A subnet mask will always consist of four 8-bit octets, each one represented as a decimal number. With the exception of decimal 0 (all 8 binary zeros) and decimal 255 (all 8 binary ones), each octet will have some number of ones on the left and some number of zeros on the right. Convert the 8 possible decimal subnet octet values to binary.
  1. Convert the four parts of the subnet mask to binary.


Step 5: Convert broadcast addresses
  1. Computer hosts and network devices use broadcast addresses to send messages to all hosts. Convert the following broadcast addresses.

IP broadcast255.255.255.25511111111.1111111.11111111.11111111
MAC broadcastFF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF11111111.1111111.11111111.11111111
Step 6: Convert IP and MAC addresses for a host
  1. Click the Start button, select Run, type cmd, and press Enter. From the command prompt, type ipconfig /all.

  1. Make a note of the IP address and physical address (also known as a MAC address).
IP Address:

IP addressnya adalah

MAC Address:

MAC addresnya adalah 00-17-C4-23-43-FE

  1. Using the calculator, convert the four numbers contained in the IP address to binary.

  1. The MAC or physical address is normally represented as 12 hexadecimal characters, grouped in pairs and separated by dashes (-). Physical addresses on a Windows-based computer are shown in a format of xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx, where each x is a number from 0 to 9 or a letter from a to f. Each of the hex characters in the address can be converted to 4 binary bits which is what the computer understands. If all 12 hex characters were converted to binary, how many bits would there be?

Jika ada 12 karakter hexadecimal maka akan ada 96 bilangan biner yang terbentuk.

  1. Convert each of the hexadecimal pairs to binary. For example, if the number CC-12-DE-4A-BD-88-34 was the physical address, convert the hexadecimal number CC to binary (11001100). Then convert the hexadecimal number 12 to binary (00010010) and so on. Be sure to add the leading zeros for a total of 8 binary digits per pair of hex digits.

Step 7: Manipulate powers of 2 to determine the number of hosts on a network
Binary numbers use two digits, 0 and 1. When you calculate how many hosts can be on a subnetwork, you use powers of two because binary is being used. As an example, we have a subnet mask that leaves six bits in the host portion of the IP address. In this case, the number of hosts on that network is 2 to the 6th power minus 2 (because you need a number to represent the network and
  1. number that can be used to reach all the hosts—the broadcast address). The number 2 is always used because we are working in binary. The number 6 is the number of bits that are used for the host bits.
  2. On the calculator, in Dec mode, input the number 2. Select the x^y key, the key which raises a number to a power. Input the number 6. Click on the key, press Enter on the keyboard, or press the key on the keyboard—all give the total. The number 64 appears in the output. To subtract two, click on the minus (-) key and then the key followed by the key. The number 62 appears in the output. This means 62 hosts could be utilized.
  3. Using the previously described process, determine the number of hosts if the following number of bits are used for host bits.

No. of Bits Used forHostsNo. of Hosts
530 hosts
1416382 hosts
2416777214 host
101022 hosts
  1. Using a similar technique as learned previously, determine what 10 to the 4th power equals.

Hasilnya adalah 9998

  1. Close the Windows Calculator application.

Step 8: (Optional) Determine the network number and number of hosts based on subnet mask
  1. Given the IP network address of and a subnet mask of, determine the network portion of the address and calculate how many hosts can be created from host bits left.
  2. Start by converting the 4 octets of the decimal IP address to binary and then convert the decimal subnet mask to binary. Remember to include leading zeros when converting to binary in order to make a total of 8 bits per octet.

Decimal IP addressand subnet maskBinary IP address and subnet mask
  1. Align the 32 bits of the subnet mask to the 32 bits of the IP address and compare them. The bits in the IP address that align with the ones bits in the subnet mask represent the network number. What is the binary and decimal network number for this IP address? Determine the binary address first (include all 32 bits) and then convert it to decimal. Binary network address:



Decimal network address:
  1. How many ones bits are in the subnet mask?

Subnetmask = 2= 23=8
  1. How many bits are left for host bits?

Host = 2n-2= 25-2= 30

  1. How many hosts can be created with the bits left?

Host =2n-2= 211-2= 2046

Step 9: Reflection
  1. List one other thing for which you might use the Windows Calculator scientific mode. It does not have to be related to networking.

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